ü Summary

ü Context

ü Objectives

ü Working procedures

w Expected results

ü Partners and contact

ü Timetable

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Expected results

  1. Beyond the more or less 20 first signatories (the core founding group and the consortium of the project), it is expected to gather at least 150 signatories within the time schedule of the project (before 4 to 5 years).

  2. Active Special Interest Groups (SIGs) will be created along the lifetime of the project. During the first phase, they will mainly focus on the network organisation and tools development (twinning agreements, staff mobility, knowledge management and dissemination). Then SIGs on EU Water Initiative Topics and on IWRM related matters will be organised after a "running in" period since the highest value of the project is to facilitate staff exchanges for peer-to-peer scaffolding.

  3. It is expected that 25 to 30 twinning agreements, based on the recommandations issued by SIGs, will be signed between Basin Organisations during the project, included North-South twinning, as well as West-East, North-North and South-South.

  4. The promotion and facilitation of exchanges of personnel between BOs for hands-on training of executives, and the promotion of peer to peer support are key activities of the project : it is expected to partially support 120 man-months of mobility among at least 60 staffs members.

  5. The TwinBasin Support Service will have provided the IT infrastructure for allowing exchanges by the end of year 1 : this tool will support the dissemination of information on the project, the running of SIG activities and the knowledge management component of the project.

  6. Exchanges opportunities between BO managers or executives and scientists will be developed, during INBO events and at a distance via periodic web seminars.

The project outputs will include :

  • Guides and agreement models for organising beneficial twinning arrangements
  • Exchanges on today topics
  • Tools for managing knowledge and distance training, etc.


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